2023-02-15 15:39:13

How to defeat Ranrok Hogwarts Legacy is a guide in defeating the tough Ranrok boss of the game.

Overview of How to Defeat Ranrok Hogwarts Legacy

Ranrok Hogwarts Legacy is a magical battle between good and evil. During the fight, Ranrok will use powerful spells to shield himself from your attacks. To defeat him, you'll need to destroy his Shielded Globe, and unleash your magic.

Ranrok Hogwarts Legacy is a three-phase boss fight. During the first phase, Ranrok will use powerful spells to shield himself from your attacks. In this phase, you must avoid his magic, and destroy the Shielded Globe. During the second phase, Ranrok is vulnerable to normal damage, and you must unleash your magic to defeat him. Finally, in the third phase, you must use the Killing Curse to finish off Ranrok.

Step One: Avoid Ranrok’s Magic

  • Explanation of Why Ranrok is Impervious
Ranrok is impervious to damage because his Shielded Globe is protecting him from your spells. This globe is composed of three different colored barriers that must be destroyed in order to reach him.

  • Description of the Shielded Globe
The Shielded Globe is composed of three different colored barriers that must be destroyed in order to reach Ranrok. The first barrier is blue, the second is green, and the third is purple. Each barrier can be destroyed with the corresponding colored spells.

Step Two: Destroy the Shielded Globe

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    • Color Coded Spell Selection
    In order to destroy the Shielded Globe, you must select the correct colored spells. The blue barrier can be destroyed with a blue spell, the green barrier can be destroyed with a green spell, and the purple barrier can be destroyed with a purple spell.

    • Vulnerability to Normal Damage
    Once the Shielded Globe is destroyed, Ranrok is vulnerable to normal damage. Use your strongest spells to take down the magical barrier and reach the next phase.

    Step Three: Unleash Your Magic

    • Use of the Killing Curse
    Once you reach the third phase, you must use the Killing Curse to finish off Ranrok. This spell is incredibly powerful and will instantly defeat Ranrok if used correctly.

    • Reaching the Next Phase
    Once you've defeated Ranrok, you'll reach the next phase of the fight. Here, you must use the same strategies you used in the earlier phases to defeat the remaining enemies.

    Defeating Ranrok Hogwarts Legacy is no easy task, but with this guide, you'll be able to do it with ease. Start by avoiding Ranrok's magic, then destroy the Shielded Globe with the corresponding colored spells. Once Ranrok is vulnerable to normal damage, unleash your magic and use the Killing Curse to finish off the boss.

    Ranrok Hogwarts Legacy is a difficult boss fight, but with the right strategies and spells, you can defeat him with ease. Keep in mind that the Shielded Globe can be destroyed with the corresponding colored spells, and that Ranrok is vulnerable to normal damage once it's destroyed. Finally, don't forget to use the Killing Curse for the finishing blow.

    Other Tags
    video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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