2023-02-15 16:42:16

How to Flip a Dugbog onto its back in Hogwarts Legacy. A Dugbog is a magical creature found in the wizarding world of Hogwarts Legacy. 

Dugbogs are known for their signature attack, which is to charge at their prey with their long snout. If they hit their target, it will cause them to flip over onto their back. This can be a difficult feat for even the most skilled of witches and wizards.

How to Flip a Dugbog onto its Back

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    Flipping a Dugbog onto its back is a tricky process, but it is not impossible. Here are some tips on how to do it:

    • 1. Timing is key - Dugbogs will usually charge quickly, so you need to be prepared to dodge-roll out of the way. This is important to do in order to avoid being hit and flipped over yourself.
    • 2. Dodge-roll against its charge attack - Once you’ve successfully dodged the Dugbog’s attack, it’s time to try to flip it onto its back. This can be done by running around to the back of the creature and using your wand to cast a force spell.
    • 3. Get behind its tail - This is the most important step in the process. You need to get behind the Dugbog’s tail in order to successfully cast your spell and flip the creature onto its back.
    • 4. Use a force spell - Once you’ve successfully gotten behind the Dugbog’s tail, you’re ready to use a force spell. This will cause the creature to flip onto its back, which you can then use to your advantage.

    Rewards for Taking Down a Dugbog

    Taking down a Dugbog can be a rewarding experience, as there are several rewards that come with it. Dugbog tongues are a sought-after ingredient in potions and can be found in the creature’s stomach after it has been flipped onto its back.

    These tongues are a required ingredient in the Focus Potion, which can be bought from J. Pippin’s Potions. This potion is known to give its user enhanced concentration, which can be helpful in a variety of magical situations.

    Flipping a Dugbog onto its back can be difficult, but with the right timing and strategy, it is possible. Doing so will reward you with Dugbog tongues, which can then be used to make the Focus Potion from J. Pippin’s Potions. It is a great way to gain a competitive edge in the wizarding world of Hogwarts Legacy.

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    video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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